Charities we support
Exodus Foundation and the Bill Crews Charitable Trust
I make a monthly donation to Exodus Foundation and the Bill Crews Charitable Trust. I really love the work that Reverend Bill Crews and his team do for poor and homeless. He gives everything he’s got to help others. The times I have spoken with him and helped at Exodus Foundation at Christmas and Easter have been invaluable. He reminds me to give back to others and share my time with others who need some help.
Now I am reading his book Twelve rules for living a better life (ISBN 9781460759271). While reading his book I thought just how real and open Rev Bill is. In helping others, it helps us to open up and accept the company of others. It makes us be part of a bigger picture. Life is not always roses, so it’s good to give something back. The Exodus Foundation and Reverend Bill Crews Charitable Trust is a real and worthwhile charity to give time and money to.
The following is a Thank You from Rev Bill’s Charity for my regular donation:
In order to carry out our important work, the Bill Crew’s Foundation enlists The Exodus Foundation and The Bill Crews Charitable Trust in the delivery of services to thousands of vulnerable people in need, including those experiencing homelessness, disadvantage and increasingly, food insecurity.
The Exodus Foundation and The Bill Crews Charitable Trust work together to meet the increasing demand for help through a variety of programs and services. By leveraging our strengths, we can bring greater efficiency to, and extend, the programs and service offerings we provide, to the most needy and poorest of the poor in our community.
Sadly, too many people are slipping through the cracks and falling even further below the national poverty line. My team and I are determined to break the cycle of poverty, and with your help, we’re achieving amazing things. We know our approach works, and it’s thanks to the support of kind-hearted people like you that we can continue restoring hope, health and dignity to our forgotten friends. Great things happen when we support each other.
God bless,
Rev. Bill Crews
P.S. If you want to follow my thoughts, go to and join the conversation.
"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?"
Martin Luther King Jr